Sunrise Centenary Editions
During the final forty years of the last century, Scottish author George MacDonald (1824-1905) produced some 53 volumes of great diversity, mostly novels but also including poetry, fairy tales, sermons, short stories, and literary essays. Though in his time MacDonald was one of Britain's top-selling and most respected authors, in the twentieth century his books gradually became unavailable.
Believing in the importance and the permanence of George MacDonald's work, we have given every attention to detail in the reproduction of these volumes. We believe not only that the treasures to be found in these pages are deserving of quality reserved for true classics, we also desire to produce books which will stand the test of time, are worthy to be treasured as family heirlooms, and will provide enjoyment and enrichment for many years to come. We sincerely hope that your investment will yield a truly abundant harvest according to Mark 4:8 in your own life, and in the lives of those with whom you come in contact.
Read the entire Preface to the Sunrise Centenary Editions.