SKU: 0982056745
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God has a beautiful generational design for His Church, but the inventions of man have introduced various kinds of weeds; This book identifies one of those weeds, systematic age segregation. It unfolds the history, effect, and the root problem of the breakup of God's beautiful design. In this book, you will find hopeful solutions from the Word of God to address the issue. You will also find answers to dozens of commonly asked questions about why age-integrated church life is indeed the pattern of Scripture and, therefore, is necessary for biblical church life.
A Weed in the Church is something of a "Wittenberg Door" for the evangelical community. It calls us to examine our present practices in light of the Scriptures and to make the necessary changes to bring the church and the family in conformity to them. May God give us the wisdom and courage to do so.
-Paul Washer, Director, Heartcry Missionary Society

Scott Brown offers a thoughtful and gracious challenge to the prevailing model of systematic age-segregation in church. The author's heart beats with passion for the authority and sufficiency of the Bible... He also traces the historic roots of the modern philosophy which would isolate children from the formative influence of godly fathers... One does not have to embrace all of his conclusions to realize that his book can make a helpful contribution to the current debate on how to disciple our children. This provocative book will challenge you to ask whether you are doing God's work in God's way.
-Dr. Joel Beeke, president, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

The tragic fruit of families torn apart by their churches--which should be holding them together-_surrounds us on every side. The experiment of age segregation in the churches has run its course, and the findings are clear. It's time to pull the plug and go back to the old paths, the path God prescribed... Scott Brown's book is a clarion call for just that--and it has arrived at a crucial time.
-E. Calvin Beisner, PH.D., church historian, theologian, founder of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation

As I have watched what has happened in most of our churches, I have become convinced that Scott Brown is far more right than wrong on this matter. I, for one, am extraordinarily grateful that he has gone to the trouble to write this book and articulate the position. May God grant that many will listen to it before our families are totally lost and with them the churches also. Our families simply must have some time when they worship and study together.
--Dr. Paige Patterson, President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

A Weed in the Church is honest, thoughtful and biblical. In the best Reformation tradition it considers our own traditions in the light of God's Word. And then, directs us to obedience to the Word. I commend it highly.
--RC Sproul Jr., Founder of Highlands Ministries, and a teaching fellow at Ligonier Ministries.
203 pages
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