This product is listed under George MacDonald, Sunrise Centenary Editions collections

A second full volume of poems, including “The Disciple,” a lengthy narrative poem which traces in part MacDonald’s own autobiographical spiritual journey out of the Calvinistic tradition of his past and into a new and personal faith of his own. 

The Disciple

Songs of the Days and Nights

Songs of the Summer Days | Songs of the Summer Nights | Songs of the Autumn Days | Songs of the Autumn Nights | Song of Winter Days | Songs of Winter Nights | Songs of Spring Days | Songs of Spring Nights


The Three Horses | The Golden Key | Somnium Mystici | The Sangreal | The Falling Track | Tell Me | Brother Artist! | Sir Lark and King Sun | The Owl and the Bell

Roadside Poems

He Heeded Not | The Sheep and the Goat | The Shadows | An Old Sermon with a New Twist | The Wakeful Sleeper | A Dream of Waking

Organ Songs

A Meditation of St. Eligius | Hymn for a Sick Girl | A Christmas Carol for 1862 | A Christmas Carol | The Sleepless Jesus | The Children’s Heaven | Rejoice | The Grace of Grace | Antiphony | Dorcas | Marriage Song | Blind Bartimeus | Come Unto Me | Blessed are the Poor in Spirit | Blessed are They that Mourn | Blessed are the Meek | Blessed are They that Hunger and Thirst | Blessed are the Merciful | Blessed are the Pure in Heart | Morning Hymn | Evening Hymn | The Beauty of Holiness

Violin Songs

The Thankless Lady | The Sea-Shell | Autumn Song | An Autumn Wind | Days of Old | The Waters are Rising and Flowing | A Song of the Sea

For Children

What Makes Summer? | The Mistletoe | Wild Flowers | What the Owls Knows | What the Birds Said and What the Birds Sung


The Unseen Model | Legend of the Corrievrechan | The Dead Hand

Scotch Songs and Ballads

Annie she’s Dowie | O Lassie Ayont the Hill! | A Song of Zion | Gaein’ and Comin’ | The Waesome Carl | The Earl o’ Quarterdeck | The Twa Gordons | The Last Wooing | Time and Tide | All Souls’ Eve

To A. I. N. B. | To Garibaldi

[Original Print: 1867, Strahan & Co.] 
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