This product is listed under Fiction, George MacDonald, The Cullen Collection collections
This new edition of George MacDonald's 1868 classic is updated and introduced as Volume 7 in The Cullen Collection by Michael Phillips.

In George MacDonald’s most well-known novel, published in 1868, the quest of young Robert Falconer for his father becomes a parallel quest to break free from the oppressive Calvinist theology of his grandmother. As he struggles to come to terms with the strict orthodoxy prevalent in Scotland for two centuries, the doctrine of hell looms as the great stumbling block in Robert’s mind. His lifelong search reveals to Robert the groundbreaking truth that hell is remedial not punitive, designed to produce ultimate repentance not everlasting punishment.

This highly autobiographical work offers a rare glimpse into young George’s own youthful quandaries. This illuminating window into the development of George MacDonald’s faith has turned generations toward the Fatherhood of a loving God. After the book’s publication (which Queen Victoria gave to each of her grandsons), as a result of the bold themes running through the narrative, MacDonald came to be considered a “heretic” in some circles—an unfortunate mischaracterization that persists to this day.

Robert Falconer is included in the Early Scottish Novels set of the Cullen Collection.
407 pages
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