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Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race
by Edwin Black

This gripping chronicle documents how American corporate philanthropies launched a national campaign of ethnic cleansing in the United States, helped found and fund the Nazi eugenics of Hitler and Mengele—and then created the modern movement of “human genetics.” Some 60,000 Americans were sterilized under laws in 27 states.

Critically acclaimed as “the best book on eugenics ever written,” by The National Review, and by Publisher’s Weekly as “an impressive job, the resulting story is at once shocking and gripping,” the book is required reading in scores of universities and colleges around the world. Submitted by editors for a Pulitzer Prize nomination, the book has garnered awards worldwide.

"THE BEST BOOK ON EUGENICS. Edwin Black has written what may well be the best book ever published about the American eugenics movement and the horrific events it spawned. Combining exhaustive research, a very readable style, and just the right touch of moral outrage, Black splendidly conveys the evil depth and breadth of eugenics philosophy, the pseudo-science and social theory that unleashed a half-century of war against society's most vulnerable citizens." --Wesley Smith, National Review

"COMPELLING--THE ZEAL OF AN AVENGER. Investigative journalist Edwin Black compellingly argues that the ethnic-cleansing movement that culminated in Nazi Germany's death camps during World War II was the realization of a particularly ugly American dream. Black, whose mother lived under Nazi rule in Poland, writes here with the zeal of an avenger." --Gregory Mott, Washington Post Book World

"A BOMBSHELL. In this bombshell of investigative journalism, author Edwin Black reveals that eugenics was extensive, systematic, well-funded, and supported by major political and intellectual leaders. Perhaps most startling, eugenics directly inspired the rise of Nazism in Hitler s Germany. This chilling and well-researched book is highly recommended." --Gregg Sapp, Library Journal

For more about this book:

This expanded edition includes two new essays on state genocide.

622 pages - Expanded Edition

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