SKU: WingfoldSub
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Wingfold is a quarterly magazine that restores material by and about George MacDonald, in print since 1993. The issues feature the first reprints of press reports covering MacDonald's extempore sermons and lectures, the first publication of MacDonald family letters from diverse collections, reprinted articles on MacDonald by his contemporaries, new articles providing new information on the MacDonald family, and rare illustrations for MacDonald's works. Subscriptions to Wingfold are $22 U.S., $26 Canada, and $36 overseas. The subscription fee covers all issues for the calendar year, so no material is missed. Most of our back issues are still available, at $5 each U.S. Some of these issues contain the first known reprints of short stories, articles and poems written by George MacDonald that had not been previously documented. Our complete tables of contents are listed at the Marion E. Wade Center's website. For detailed information and availability regarding the back issues, please contact the editor, Barbara Amell, at

Our 2015 issues include wonderful reports of George MacDonald's lectures on Shakespeare's King Lear and The Merchant of Venice, Dante's The Divine Comedy and MacDonald's penny readings of poems by various authors; excellent reports of MacDonald's sermons in England and Scotland; articles on MacDonald's friendships with Rev. Frederick Denison Maurice, John Ruskin, Rev. John Hunter, literary agent A. P. Watt, journalist James Annand, and his step-uncle Alexander MacColl; reminiscences of MacDonald's wife Louisa by family friends; articles on MacDonald's trips to Derbyshire and Bude featuring numerous family letters, and much more.

Please note that we no longer sell subscriptions to Winfold here.  Visit the bookstore to subscribe.

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