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How to Rescue Society the Day the Oil Stops—or the Day Before
by Edwin Black

This controversial and bitter-pill crisis plan to rescue America once the oil stops was written as a newsbook at the height of the 2008 oil addiction and scarcity crisis to help the world keep functioning. While the numbers have changed since it was released, if the Strait of Hormuz is blocked, or refineries are impacted by weather or terrorism, the detailed escape plan for survival is still as useful today as when it was first released as a companion to the bestselling, award-winning Internal Combustion.

Oil experts and reviewers have given the exceptionally high marks. The Miami Herald called the book “Remarkable and rational—highly recommended.” The Daily Kos declared that “Black states the problem clearly and without hyperbole. Clean and Concise.” The Arizona Star stated, “Black presents… a remarkable scheme… citing published, non-controversial works plus his own primary research, which generally keeps the proceedings well out of the realm of science fiction.” The Natural Resources Defense Council asserted, “Black’s bold, aggressive plan for saving oil in a hurry and breaking our addiction should inspire the next president to adopt a real energy strategy to break our shackles to the chaotic global oil market.”

EDWIN BLACK DOES IT AGAIN; TAKES NO PRISONERS. Edwin Black does it again in The Plan. He provokes, takes no prisoners, and takes on almost every special interest group in gridlocked Washington with a bold plan to address a clear and present danger the U.S. is facing—an energy Pearl Harbor.
– Gal Luft, co-director, Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, co-author, Turning Oil into Salt: Energy Independence through Fuel Choice.
BOLD—SHOULD INSPIRE THE NEXT PRESIDENT. Black’s bold, aggressive plan for saving oil in a hurry and breaking our addiction should inspire the next President to adopt a real energy strategy to break our shackles to the chaotic global oil market.
– Deron Lovaas, Vehicles Campaign Director, Natural Resources Defense Council
REMARKABLE AND RATIONAL—HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Black states the problem clearly and without hyperbole. A sane and remarkably rational step-by-step scheme for quitting our fossil fuel dependency. Highly recommended.
– Richard Pachter, Miami Herald (read Richard Pachter’s interview with Edwin Black and review of The Plan)
WE STILL HAVE TIME FOR BLACK’S PLAN. The largest economy and most powerful democracy on Earth can be put on its knees by an Oil Jihad. Is America ready? Edwin Black demonstrates that we’re not ready to confront this onslaught. We still have time to read his plan and make decisions.
– Walid Phares, director, Future Terrorism Project, author, The Confrontation: Winning the War against Future Jihad
BLACK SEES THE [ELECTRIC] LIGHT. Edwin Black sees the light—and it’s electric. Japan has a plan. So do Poland and the Czech Republic. Maybe Congress should read The Plan and get a clue.
– Bill Moore, EV World

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144 pages

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