The Cullen Collection of the Fiction of George MacDonald

$ 507.00 $ 360.00
This product is listed under Fiction, George MacDonald, Michael Phillips, The Cullen Collection collections

A new 37 volume set comprised of all MacDonald’s fiction, updated and introduced by Michael Phillips, along with a brand new biography.

Please note: the covers in some of the images show the old versions, however covers have been updated for ALL volumes. 

The following is a listing of the titles in chronological order of original publication, and the progressive chapters of A Writer’s Life. Please note that all of these will be included with the Complete Set, but other sets can be ordered by changing the selection above.

  1. Phantastes (1858)
  2. David Elginbrod (1863)
  3. The Portent (1864)
  4. Adela Cathcart (1864)
  5. Alec Forbes of Howglen (1865)
  6. Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood (1867)
  7. Robert Falconer (1868)
  8. Guild Court (1868)
  9. The Seaboard Parish (1868)
  10. At the Back of the North Wind (1871)
  11. Ranald Bannerman’s Boyhood (1871)
  12. The Princess and the Goblin (1872)
  13. Wilfrid Cumbermede (1872)
  14. The Vicar’s Daughter (1872)
  15. Gutta Percha Willie (1873)
  16. Malcolm (1875)
  17. The Wise Woman (1875)
  18. St. George and St. Michael (1876)
  19. Thomas Wingfold Curate (1876)
  20. The Marquis of Lossie (1877)
  21. Paul Faber Surgeon (1879)
  22. Sir Gibbie (1879)
  23. Mary Marston (1881)
  24. Castle Warlock (1881)
  25. The Princess and Curdie (1882)
  26. Weighed and Wanting (1882)
  27. Donal Grant (1883)
  28. What’s Mine’s Mine (1886)
  29. Home Again (1887)
  30. The Elect Lady (1888)
  31. A Rough Shaking (1890)
  32. There and Back (1891)
  33. The Flight of the Shadow (1891)
  34. Heather and Snow (1893)
  35. Lilith (1895)
  36. Salted With Fire (1897)
  37. Far Above Rubies (1898)
  38. George MacDonald A Writer’s Life

The series is called “The Cullen Collection” in honor of the village in Scotland where MacDonald wrote and set his masterpiece, Michael’s favorite MacDonald novel—Malcolm.

Read more about this collection here.

ALL MacDonald’s full-length fiction is be included in the new series.  Sets Currently Available. Prices do not include shipping and taxes if applicable.

--Complete Set ($360 regular - $507 individually)
All 38 titles, plus a beautiful Reader’s Guide

--Mini-set 1: Full-Length Fantasies (reg: $54, individual: $70)

  • Phantastes
  • At the Back of the North Wind
  • The Princess and the Goblin
  • The Wise Woman
  • The Princess and Curdie
  • Lilith

--Mini-set 2: Early Scottish Novels (reg: $58, individual: $73)

  • David Elginbrod
  • The Portent
  • Alec Forbes
  • Robert Falconer
  • Ranald Bannerman’s Boyhood
  • Gutta Percha Willie

--Mini-set 3: The Scottish Masterworks (reg: $73, individual: $90)

  • Malcolm
  • The Marquis of Lossie
  • Sir Gibbie
  • Castle Warlock
  • Donal Grant
  • What's Mine's Mine

--Mini-set 4: Six English Novels (reg: $74, individual: $91)

  • Adela Cathcart
  • Guild Court
  • Wilfrid Cumbermede
  • Mary Marston
  • St. George and St. Michael
  • Weighed and Wanting

--Mini-set 5: Two English Trilogies (reg: $66, individual: $81)

  • Thomas Wingfold, Curate
  • Paul Faber, Surgeon
  • There and Back
  • Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood
  • The Seaboard Parish
  • The Vicar's Daughter

--Mini-set 6: The Seven Short Novels (reg: $58, individual: $73)

  • Home Again
  • The Elect Lady
  • A Rough Shaking
  • The Flight of the Shadow
  • Heather and Snow
  • Salted With Fire
  • Far Above Rubies


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