This product is listed under Fiction, George MacDonald, The Cullen Collection collections
This new edition of George MacDonald's 1876 novel is updated and introduced by Michael Phillips as Volume 18 in The Cullen Collection.

St. George and St. Michael is an enchanting love story that offers a unique and balanced perspective on a tumultuous and conflicting era in British history.

Later generations often think of MacDonald’s novels as “historical,” but they are not. During MacDonald’s lifetime they were “contemporary” stories. St. George and St. Michael was MacDonald’s only foray into the world of the pure “historical novel.” Indeed, perhaps this novel is not so widely known precisely because the historical period in which it takes place, the backdrop of the English Civil war of the mid-1600s, is so difficult to understand. It was not only a tumultuous time but also one of the most complex and confusing eras in British history.

MacDonald’s use of the idiom and stylistic old-English of the post-Shakespearean era make this a slow read in the original. It is greatly enhanced in this new and updated edition. Because this story is very different in tone and style from MacDonald’s other novels, aspects of the relationships and plots can be difficult to follow. The brief synopsis of the plot and overview of the times by Michael Phillips in his introduction will be helpful for many readers.
431 pages
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