SKU: 9781959666455
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An Everyday Guide for Christian Patriarchs
by Old Grog

20% at 4+ copies, 30% at 10+ copies

The last thing Christian men need is another book on leadership... we didn't write one. Instead, we wrote a book about how to govern all the stuff our King has given us to govern, starting with our own heart, our wife and household, our business endeavors, our spiritual responsibilities in the local church and finally, a book about how to push our weight around in the town where we live - when we show up at the city gates.

In this small book, we unpack our role as the King's man - one of His top guys - as we seek to bring more order to chaos, more fruiting to our wife-vine, and more development of our prematurely mature children. Too many people depend upon us for their safety, development, instruction, and flourishing - so we better learn as much as we can about governing well. The Scriptures indicate that we will eventually judge angels and preside over cities; so, if we can't run a 3 bedroom household, we better learn. This book is about all that.

On Ruling invites men (you, sir) to become more formidable and impactful by:

  • establishing righteous order wherever you stand, so that peace and joy can break out around you
  • tending to the wife God has given you
  • developing the sons and daughters entrusted to your care
  • attacking oppositional forces that threaten your people
  • pushing generational blessings down to those who will win the year 2136 when you're just a name on the back of a photo

This book saves you time, trouble, and fruitless labor on your way to becoming a badass warlord chieftain (a patriarch) that keeps one knee on the ground before your King.

Old Grog does most of the talking for theViceroyProject - but the book is a collaborative effort told from the perspective of the men who train together in Texas. We only know this stuff works in Texas [between the Red River and Rio Bravo, from El Paso to Daingerfield] we don't know about New Hampshire or Guam or Brooklyn. Results may vary. We'd tell you more about Old Grog if he was interesting enough to discuss. He isn't. He really isn't. Someone does manage theviceroyproject[dot]com - you can find out more and establish contact there.

172 pages, paperback
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