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Discovering Intimacy With God

If you long for a closeness to God that somehow has eluded you, perhaps it has something to do with how you think about him.

"Daddy!  Abba!"

How many times have we all wanted to cry out those words to God, to run into the arms of the Father where we would feel safe and secure, to be able to know him and know that he understands us completely.

Would you like to know God in that way? In this book you are about to embark on a unique journey that will lead you into the arms of God the Father.

Not often does a book come along that truly makes a difference in the way people think and act.  This is such a book.  What we have come to expect from Michael Phillips is a great novel with deep spiritual insight.  This is not a novel, but following the tradition of George MacDonald and Hannah Hurnard, Phillips uses his story-telling craft to weave through the book a beautiful allegory that parallels our spiritual journey to discover the intimacy and presence of God.

A God to Call Father explores an often-overlooked aspect of our spiritual life.  It suggests that we are plagued by a misunderstanding of the character of God the Father -- who he truly is and what he is really like.

"It is impossible to know God," Phillips says, "if we are thinking incorrectly about who he is."

How do you view God the Father -- stern, distant, unapproachable?  Have your experiences with an earthly father conveyed a less-than-positive picture of what fatherhood was intended to portray?

"What we will be learning together," says the author, "is to think in fresh, invigorating, and liberating ways about the One whom Jesus called Father and Daddy."  This book will challenge you to venture close into a firsthand, personal, daily walk with God your Father.

Oh God, the cry of our hearts is that we might learn to call you Father!

252 pages

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