Breath is a daring, independent magazine focused on challenging the modern Christian mind. It is aimed to both inspire and inform believers in the faith that was once and for all delivered to the saints. Crafted as printed piece, you will want to keep it on your shelves for years as you increasingly appreciate of the depths of the Father’s remarkable plan of redemption you find in its pages.
Breath is structured in three separate sections—Revelations, Culture, and Conversations. Each issue contains original content and photography exclusive to Breath.
Breath is the brainchild of Peter Smythe. Dissatisfied with the current crop of Christian magazines, Peter and his team have set out to create a truly original periodical.
The magazine contains no advertising. As of today, each issue must be purchased separately.
Breath No. 1
All of the content, including photography, is original and exclusive to Breath.
The publication is 144 pages, perfect bound, and off-set printed in full color on FSC-approved matte-coated paper in Canada.