Welcome to Wise Path Books
Hello dear reader!
Welcome to our simple, online bookstore with amazing books to sell.
We do not know yet the full extent of our little shop; what we will sell, what we will write about, what we will do. But we do know that our goal is to help Christians grow. Grow closer to God and closer to our brothers and sisters. To that end, we are beginning to sell original and edited works of one of the men who walked with God, over a century ago, with a closeness that many of us can only long for.
George MacDonald stepped up from the dead religion of his generation and gave us a picture of our Father that has inspired millions. Most know his ideas indirectly through the works of C.S. Lewis, G.K. Chesterton, Oswald Chambers, and others, who fed off of MacDonald's vision of God. We hope, with these first books, to inspire today's readers to read the man himself, and so draw closer to the Eternal Father.
With many thanks to Michael and Judy Phillips for the trust they have put in us to continue to offer MacDonald's works in our day. We will do our very best.
To an amazing journey together!
In Him,
Joseph Dindinger